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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

This first artistic project is the beginning of my current approach. Indeed, I was instructed to read and answer a fairly famous questionnaire from Paul Teck. So I put myself to the task by writing the answers first, then in a second plastic. I had the idea of creating a city with recycled objects that were on the Champfleury site (my art school), while making a precise selection (shapes / colors / materials). Subsequently, I thought about how I was going to arrange my rooms according to the space that I defined. It seemed essential to me to assemble certain elements because I obtained a discourse between the colors, the different shapes but also the space. When the installation of my plastic works was correctly arranged, I had to integrate my written answers. Regarding these answers, I retyped them all on computers, by establishing a precise color code in order to create an echo with my colored objects. Subsequently, I printed and cut them out to constitute a cartography of the city which was installed on the wall where my installation was on the ground. After finishing this work, I wondered how this installation could evolve ... And it is by moving it to another room that I noticed that I had to find a way to transport it and list it. all my parts. This is how I started to create boxes, inventories but also to take an interest in space.

Step 1: Answer the questionnaire.

Step 2: Collecting objects.    

Objects found and collected in Champfleury.

Step 4:   Change of space.

Step 3: Assembled objects.


Step 5:   Creation of an inventory of objects.

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